2023 Sponsors
Supporter Sponsors
Become a Sponsor
Would you or your organization like to sponsor the 12th Annual Diet and Optimum Health Conference? There are many opportunities available. Please take a look at the sponsorship levels and get in touch if you have any questions.
Platinum – $20,000+
- Inclusion of logo on all conference materials
- Six-foot display table with first choice of exhibit location
- Advertisement slide shown throughout the conference
- Three (3) free conference registrations, including final dinner
- Sponsor name added to a conference session or invited speaker
Gold – $10,000+
- Inclusion of logo on all conference materials
- Six-foot display table with early choice of exhibit location
- Two (2) free conference registrations, including final dinner
- Sponsor name added to a conference break
Silver – $5,000+
- Inclusion of logo on all conference materials
- Six-foot display table
- One (1) free conference registration, including final dinner
Bronze – $2,000+
- Inclusion of logo on all conference materials
More Opportunities
- Scientific Poster Session & Reception (Exclusive) – $7,500
- Conference Final Dinner (Exclusive) – $15,000
- Young Investigator Awards (Exclusive) – $5,000
- Speaker Dinner (Exclusive) – $5,000
- Conference Breaks (4 available) – $2,000
- Conference Meals (4 available) – $4,000
- and more!
View our Sponsor Prospectus document for additional details of what is included with each of these packages.
Contact for more details
Linus Pauling Institute
307 LPSC, Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
[email protected]